Social Media Messaging is the New Email (are you missing out?)

The current pandemic has certainly changed our world in some new and interesting ways. While I’m sure none of us are comfortable wearing masks all the time, it is certainly a necessary evil. Businesses have had to shift, meaning the way they conduct business with consumers is also changing. We’ve noticed that customers using social media messaging is on the rise when compared to traditional forms of communication.
How We Got Here

How We Got Here

Two to three years ago it was kind of exciting for a potential customer to reach out to us via social media. That is to say that if someone needed a new roof or exterior lighting installed they would most likely call or email. But, this trend of social media messaging has been rapidly changing from once a month, to once a week, to several times a day. In this brave new world of COVID-19, we are seeing customers forgoing the entire traditional process. They are simply messaging our clients using social media.

Meaningful Messaging

To clarify, I am not talking about a potential customer asking for “more information” about a business on Facebook. I am talking about consumers taking pictures of their backyard, or measuring their landscape, and then ONLY messaging the business via social media. So, if you are not currently checking your social media messages daily, you may be missing out. You could be missing out on a new customer or a potential sale. As a consumer, if you were looking for a quote on a project and sent your information to three similar companies via social media, and only one responded to you in a timely manner, which one do you think you would go with?

Embrace the Change

While social media marketing (like wearing masks) may be a necessary evil for some, but I want to caution you that social media (or all digital marketing for that matter) is here to stay. While you don’t need to be active on all social media platforms, be sure to do whatever you need to do so your business is available to the potential customers that (no matter how badly you want them to) may not be reaching out to you over the phone, via email or through your website.

Let’s face it, social media messaging (in one form or another) is here to say. Don’t miss out!

Take Care,
Joe Sanders
Relevant Elephant
